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Wallpapers digitally designed by Toubourra, are usually fractals and collages from high resolution photographs of her artworks.

The initial image is being processed and transformed into patterns that obtain an existence and a personality of their own, though keeping the initial vibe of the artwork.

This way, the artwork and its energy is being converted to a more applied, affordable and easy to use object, keeping its original fine art essence. 

Recommended for commercial spaces such as stores or bars and restaurants as a statement interior design choise, for shop windows-for a memory capturing impression, or as accent walls in residential spaces, as invigorating elements adding interest to everyday use rooms. 


accent wall in narrow home garderobe, adding light and depth illusion

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happy feeling wallpaper recommended for childrens' rooms

*existing or custom made for your space designs. for inquires contact


statement wallpapers for large commercial spaces such as hotel lobbies and high ceiling bar restaurants.

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